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By Chronological Bible


Week 15: Day 6

Today’s readings are Psalms 121; 123-125 and 128-130.

-As you pray these psalms, reflect on God as the great center of all life and the provider of all you need. Commit yourself in a fresh way to seeking, trusting, hoping in, and loving him.

Week 15 | Day 7

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By Chronological Bible


Week 15: Day 5

Today’s readings are 1 Samuel 28-31 and 1 Chronicles 10.

-Panic and fear can cause us to do foolish things. Pray for God’s wisdom in your decision-making, especially in areas that involve great stress.

Week 15 | Day 6

*If you need access to a Bible, please we’d be more than happy to provide you with one.

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By Chronological Bible


Week 15: Day 4

Today’s readings are Psalms 35; 54; 63 and 18.

-Meditate on the word pictures used to describe the cry for God’s deliverance. What are the word pictures communicating?
-From what do you need deliverance today?

-Use these psalms as prayers to God.

Week 15 | Day 5

*If you need access to a Bible, please we’d be more than happy to provide you with one.

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By Chronological Bible


Week 15: Day 3

Today’s readings are 1 Samuel 25-27 and Psalms 17 and 73.

-What do these stories tell us about how to handle conflict?
-How do you handle conflict?

-List the top five things you value in life at this point. Did God’s presence make the list?

Week 15 | Day 4

*If you need access to a Bible, please we’d be more than happy to provide you with one.

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By Chronological Bible


Week 15: Day 2

Today’s readings are Psalms 56; 120 and 140-142.

-Where is great oppression occurring in the world? Think of places where fellow believers are being harshly persecuted for their faith. Cry out to God to judge the evil oppression and to deliver his people.

Week 15 | Day 3

*If you need access to a Bible, please we’d be more than happy to provide you with one.

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By Chronological Bible

Week 15

This week’s readings might be called “The Rise and Fall of Two Kings.” We find a study in contrasts between David, who is the real focus of the story, and several other characters.

Week 15: Day 1

Today’s readings are Psalms 7; 27; 31; 34 and 52.

-If you are not distressed at present, praise God for your current situation and pray for someone you know is struggling under oppression.

Week 15 | Day 2

*If you need access to a Bible, please we’d be more than happy to provide you with one.

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Why is Jesus Called the “Son of Man”? (ASL) // Ask Pastor John with John Piper

By Q&A

ACCESS: This video is in American Sign Language (ASL) only. You can find the original video HERE.


Why is Jesus Called “Son of Man”?

Jesus is both divine and human, yet “Son of Man” was his favorite self-designation. Why didn’t he prefer being called “Son of God” instead? Pastor John Piper will explain that “Son of Man” has the double meaning of human being and, according to Daniel 7, exalted heavenly one. And Jesus means to communicate both of those.


John Piper is founder and teacher of Desiring God and chancellor of Bethlehem College & Seminary.

For more information on John Piper and Desiring God, check out

For more information on Bethlehem College & Seminary, check out

Special thanks to John Piper and Desiring God for graciously letting us translate their material into sign language for the deaf to enjoy and benefit from.

Southern Seminary – Honest Answers What are the proofs for the resurrection of Jesus?

By Q&A

ACCESS: This video is in English with the addition of American Sign Language (ASL) interpretation and English captions. You can find the original video HERE.


Did Jesus really rise from the dead? Is there proof?

Have you ever struggled with the Bible’s claim that Jesus died, remained dead for three whole days, then miraculously rose from the grave? Is there proof, even after 2000 years? If you have ever been faced with this question and struggled to find an answer, this video will give you four reasons to believe in the resurrection of Jesus.


Dr. Theodore Cabal is professor of Christian Apologetics at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.

For more information on Southern Seminary, be sure to check out

Special thanks to The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary for graciously letting us translate their material into sign language for the deaf to enjoy and benefit from.


By Sermons

ACCESS: This video is in English with the addition of American Sign Language (ASL) interpretation and English captions. You can find the original sermon HERE.



Have you ever thought about the true cost of being a disciple of Jesus? Join Pastor Lawson as he walks you through Luke 14:25-35 and discover what it will truly cost you.


Steven Lawson is the Founder and President of OnePassion Ministries, a ministry designed to equip biblical expositors to bring about a new reformation in the church.

For more information on Steven Lawson and OnePassion Ministries, check out

Special thanks to Steven Lawson and OnePassion Ministries for graciously letting us translate their material into sign language for the deaf to enjoy and benefit from.

Chapter 5: The Sweetness of His Reign

By Coronavirus and Christ

ACCESS: This video is in American Sign Language (ASL).


In Coronavirus and Christ, John Piper invites readers around the world to stand on the solid Rock, who is Jesus Christ, in whom our souls can be sustained by the sovereign God who ordains, governs, and reigns over all things to accomplish his wise and good purposes for those who trust in him. Piper offers six biblical answers to the question, What is God doing through the coronavirus?—reminding us that God is at work in this moment in history.


Preliminary Thoughts: Seeing and Pointing

John Piper is founder and teacher of Desiring God and chancellor of Bethlehem College & Seminary.

For more information on John Piper and Desiring God, check out

For more information on Bethlehem College & Seminary, check out

Special thanks to John Piper and Desiring God for graciously letting us translate their material into sign language for the deaf to enjoy and benefit from.