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By Chronological Bible

Week 5: Day 2

Today’s reading is Job 29-32

-What are the most striking word pictures to you in chapters 29-30?
-How do you respond when you feel falsely accused?

-Identify the transition that takes place in chapter 32.

Week 5 | Day 3

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By Chronological Bible

Week 5

This week we will finish the book of Job. Notice that two new witnesses on suffering entered the story: Elihu and God himself. This week we will also start the story of how God delivered his people from slavery in Egypt.

Week 5: Day 1
Today’s reading is Job 25-28

-Identify examples of parallelism and word pictures in the reading for today.

-For what areas of life do you need wisdom today?

Week 5 | Day 2

*If you need access to a Bible, please we’d be more than happy to provide you with one.

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John Piper Sermon

By Sermons

*Access: This video is in English with the addition of American Sign Language (ASL) interpretation and English captions.

Great sermon by John Piper on John 5:1-24 explaining why Jesus is equal with God.

You can find the original sermon HERE.


John Piper is founder and teacher of Desiring God and chancellor of Bethlehem College & Seminary.

For more information on John Piper and Desiring God, check out

For more information on Bethlehem College & Seminary, check out

Special thanks to John Piper and Desiring God for graciously letting us translate their material into sign language for the deaf to enjoy and benefit from.

Albert Mohler: Jesus is the son of God

By Sermons

Albert Mohler: Jesus is the Son of God

*Access: This video is in English with the addition of American Sign Language (ASL)
interpretation and English captions.

Albert Mohler’s third lecture in his apologetics series, dealing with the question, is Jesus the
son of God?”

You can find the original video HERE.

Albert Mohler is the president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, KY.

For more of his resources, check out

For more information on Southern Seminary, check out

Special thanks to Albert Mohler for graciously letting us translate his material into sign language for the deaf to enjoy and benefit from.


By Chronological Bible

Week 4: Day 7

What a great week of readings! The book of Job reintroduced us to Satan and showed us that humans who live uprightly may still experience suffering that they will never understand in this life.

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By Chronological Bible

Week 4: Day 6

Today’s reading is Job 22-24

-Have you ever felt any of the emotions Job experienced?
-Do you feel free to express these emotions to God in prayer?

Week 4 | Day 7

*If you need access to a Bible, please we’d be more than happy to provide you with one.

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By Chronological Bible

Week 4: Day 5

Today’s reading is Job 18-21

-Examine how you think about God’s justice. Like Bildad and Zophar, do you assume that justice means good things happen to good people, and bad things happen to bad people?
-If so, how do you need to change your thinking in light of the book of Job?

Week 4 | Day 6

*If you need access to a Bible, please we’d be more than happy to provide you with one.

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By Chronological Bible

Week 4: Day 4

Today’s reading is Job 14-17

-Pray that God will help you respond to suffering with trust even when you don’t understand God’s ways.

Week 4 | Day 5

*If you need access to a Bible, please we’d be more than happy to provide you with one.

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