
By Chronological Bible

Week 18: Day 7

Reading Summary

What a great week of readings!

We have been on quite the journey with David as we climbed a spiritual mountain (God’s covenant) and walked through a valley of shame (adultery and murder). Remember Psalms 51, David’s prayer of confession and longing to be restored to fellowship with God after his great sin.

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By Chronological Bible


Week 18: Day 5

Today’s readings are 2 Samuel 11-12; 1 Chronicles 20 and Psalm 51.

-Reflect on the way you process your sin. Do you know how to repent and receive restoration?

-Use Psalm 51 to identify essential elements in a prayer of repentance.

Week 18 | Day 6

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By Chronological Bible


Week 18: Day 3

Today’s readings are 2 Samuel 10; 1 Chronicles 19 and Psalms 20, 53, 60 and 75.

-In what ways are you tempted to misjudge the motives of another person?
-You may not be involved in war today, but you face battles. Are you depending on the Lord for victory?

Week 18 | Day 4

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By Chronological Bible


Week 18: Day 2

Today’s readings are 2 Samuel 8-9 and 1 Chronicles 18.

-How does your life exhibit loyalty to God?
-How does your loyalty to God’s ways override other, less noble emotions you might experience?

Week 18 | Day 3

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By Chronological Bible

Week 18

The readings for this week take us from the firm establishment of David’s kingdom to a major, tragic crack in the bedrock of David’s monarchy – the sin involving Bathsheba. Psalms are also interspersed throughout the week, covering a wide variety of topics that correspond thematically to the events in the biblical story.

Week 18: Day 1

Today’s readings are 2 Samuel 7; 1 Chronicles 17 and Psalms 1-2, 33, 127 and 132.

-Focus on two key word pictures from these psalms and meditate on the truth communicated by the word pictures.

-In whom are you hoping today?

Week 18 | Day 2

*If you need access to a Bible, please we’d be more than happy to provide you with one.

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