Should you use a Bible reading plan?

By Q&A

ACCESS: This video is in English with the addition of American Sign Language (ASL) interpretation and English captions. You can find the original video HERE.


Need help reading the Bible? Consider using a reading plan.

Have you struggled to read through the entire Bible? Consider using a Bible reading plan that will help you stay on track. Not sure where to start? The Gospel Coalition website has a bunch of different plans to choose from. Simply search “Bible reading plan.”


Dr. Donald Whitney is Professor of Biblical Spirituality and Associate Dean of the School of Theology at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He is also the founder of The Center for Biblical Spirituality.

For more information on Southern Seminary, be sure to check out

Special thanks to The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary for graciously letting us interpret their material into sign language for the deaf to enjoy and benefit from.

If the Bible has been added to, can we trust it?

By Q&A

ACCESS: This video is in American Sign Language (ASL) only. You can find the original video HERE.


If the Bible has been added to, can we trust it?

Are you concerned with the trustworthiness of the Bible? As you take in Pastor John Piper’s words, ask yourself this question: Do you see the glory of God shining through his words and confirming to your own heart that they are the very words of God?


John Piper is founder and teacher of Desiring God and chancellor of Bethlehem College & Seminary.

For more information on John Piper and Desiring God, check out

For more information on Bethlehem College & Seminary, check out

Special thanks to John Piper and Desiring God for graciously letting us translate their material into sign language for the deaf to enjoy and benefit from.


By Chronological Bible

Week 17: Day 7

What a great week of reading!

This week’s narratives include two central events in Israel’s history. First was David’s conquest of Jerusalem and second was his relocation of the ark, insuring Jerusalem’s place as the religious center of the nation.

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