
By Chronological Bible


Week 17: Day 4

Today’s readings are 2 Samuel 5:11-6:23 and 1 Chronicles 13-16.

-Notice the mention of Asaph at 1 Chronicles 16:7. He wrote many psalms in Scripture.

-How central in your life is worship? How much time do you give to daily worship?

Week 17 | Day 5

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By Chronological Bible


Week 17: Day 3

Today’s readings are 2 Samuel 5: 1-10; 1 Chronicles 11-12 and Psalm 133.

-What admirable character qualities are celebrated in the description of David’s warriors?
-Which of these character qualities do you need as you approach your tasks today?

Week 17 | Day 4

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By Chronological Bible

Week 17

We are now in the fourth week of Act 2, scene 5 in the story of Scripture. This week we will read a number of psalms and finish the chronicler’s genealogies.

Week 17: Day 1

Today’s readings are Psalms 81, 88 and 92-93.

-Read each psalm’s main theme as you understand it. Then use them as prayers.

Week 17 | Day 2

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By Chronological Bible

Week 16: Day 7

What a great week of readings!

From 1 Chronicles, we’ve traced genealogies from Adam to David and beyond. From 2 Samuel, we’ve
observed David’s rise as king after Saul’s death. And from Psalms, we’ve seen many worshipful
responses to life’s challenges.

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By Chronological Bible


Week 16: Day 6

Today’s readings are 1 Chronicles 6 and Psalms 36; 39 and 77-78.

-Worship God today, focusing on various aspects of his character that are reflected in these psalms.

Week 16 | Day 7

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By Chronological Bible


Week 16: Day 5

Today’s reading is 1 Chronicles 3-5.

-What is your identity as God’s person in the world?
-What is your spiritual heritage? If someone asked you the history of you spiritual ancestors, what would you say?

-Thank God for those who blazed the trail of commitment to God for you.

Week 16 | Day 6

*If you need access to a Bible, please we’d be more than happy to provide you with one.

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