Action: -If you are in a position of leadership, ask God for wisdom to lead effectively and in a godly fashion. If not, pray for the leaders in your life.
This week we will focus on the period of the Judges.
Week 13: Day 1 Today’s reading is Judges 2-5.
Actions: -Carefully read Judges 2:11-23, which presents a pattern repeated over and over in Judges:
1) The people sinned, abandoning God’s covenant.
2) They suffered as God handed them over to their enemies.
3) God sent salvation in the form of a judge, who delivered them.
-Track this pattern as you read about the first four Judges.
Questions: -Have you ever suffered because of the sin in your life?
-Do you understand how God has provided salvation for you?
ACCESS: This video is in American Sign Language (ASL) only.
It’s one of the most important questions that can ever be asked: What must I believe to be saved?
Pastor John will also answer the common follow-up question: In order to be saved, must someone understand the Trinity?
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Special thanks to John Piper and Desiring God for graciously letting us translate their material into sign language for the deaf to enjoy and benefit from.