Week 10 Day 3

By Chronological Bible

Week 10: Day 3

Today’s reading is Deuteronomy 1-3.

-Do you understand God’s purpose for your life?
-Do you recognize the importance of your obedience in staying faithful to God’s purpose?

Week 10 | Day 4

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Week 10 Day 2

By Chronological Bible

Week 10: Day 2

Today’s reading is Numbers 33-36.

-In John 14:2 Jesus said, “I am going to prepare a place for you.” What is the inheritance God has provided you?
-In what ways should we be concerned for justice today?

Week 10 | Day 3

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Week 10 Day 1

By Chronological Bible

Week 10

This week we will finish Numbers and move into Deuteronomy, where Israel is finally poised to enter the
land of promise.

Week 10: Day 1
Today’s reading is Numbers 29-32.

-How did God’s instructions to kill the Midianite men and burn their cities reflect his larger purpose for
the Hebrew people?

Week 10 | Day 2

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Week 9 Day 7

By Chronological Bible

Week 9: Day 7

What a great week of readings!

In the Hebrew Scripture “Numbers” is named “In the Wilderness” (Bemidbar). This title aptly summarizes these readings (including the Psalm texts).

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Week 9 Day 6

By Chronological Bible

Week 9: Day 6

Today’s reading is Numbers 25-28.

-Remember that God said Phinehas was zealous for holiness “with my zeal” (Numbers 25:11). What would it look like for you to be zealous for holiness in your life with God’s zeal?

Week 9 | Day 7

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Week 9 Day 4

By Chronological Bible

Week 9: Day 4

Today’s reading is Numbers 17-20.

-How is the distinction between clean and unclean revealed in your life as a Christ follower? For part of the answer, read the instructions on the sacrifice of the red cow (see Numbers 19:1-10) in light of Hebrews 9:13-14.
-In Ephesians 6:10-13 Paul said our battle is not against flesh and blood but rather against spiritual forces that fight against God’s cause in the world. What are the ways we fight this battle, according to Ephesians 6:14-17?

Week 9 | Day 5

*If you need access to a Bible, please we’d be more than happy to provide you with one.

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