
By Chronological Bible

Week 7: Day 2
Today’s reading is Exodus 33-36


-Think about how God’s going with us in our daily lives makes us distinct from those around us who do not know him. How do you need to live distinctly today?

-How is God’s presence seen in your life today?

Week 7 | Day 3

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By Chronological Bible

Week 7

As we continue this week with Act 2, scene 3, we will finish Exodus and move into Leviticus, a book that takes its name from the tribe of Levi, who served as God’s priests.

Week 7: Day 1
Today’s reading is Exodus 29-32

-What in your life has the most potential to draw your heart away from God?

Week 7 | Day 2

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week 6 day 7

By Chronological Bible

Week 6: Day 7

What a great week of readings!

“When I see the blood, I will pass over you” (Exodus 12:13). By this God declared the reality of substitutionary death, prefiguring the true Lamb of God’s death.

Remember the death of the Passover lambs as a picture of the Lord Jesus’s costly death for you.

Chronological Bible Homepage

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week 6 day 6

By Chronological Bible

Week 6: Day 6

Today’s reading is Exodus 25-28

-Do you desire to actively experience God’s presence with you today?
-How can you and the members of your church carefully prepare for worship each day in your personal times with the Lord? Each week in your worship services?
-What price are you willing to pay to have focused, meaningful time in meeting God face-to-face?

Week 6 | Day 7

*If you need access to a Bible, please we’d be more than happy to provide you with one.

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