week 6 day 4

By Chronological Bible

Scene 3 – The Sinai Covenant and Law: God Embraces and Instructs His People

This scene carries us from Mount Sinai until the Israelites were ready to enter their land.

Week 6: Day 4

Today’s reading is Exodus 19-21

-Identify forces in your culture that fight against a clear-eyed view of the holiness, the awesomeness of God.

Week 6 | Day 5

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week 6 day 3

By Chronological Bible

Week 6: Day 3

Today’s reading is Exodus 14-18

-Meditate today on how the provisions God has given you can be a context for discipleship, teaching you to follow the ways of God carefully.
-Also learn from the negative example of the Israelites.

-How might you be tempted to grumble about you circumstances today?

Week 6 | Day 4

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week 6 day 2

By Chronological Bible

Week 6: Day 2

Today’s reading is Exodus 10-13

-In what way is God the hero of this story?
-In what ways do you see a heightening of tension, an escalation of the action as you move through these chapters?
-What is the significance of the name Passover, according to Exodus 12?

-Praise God for Jesus, who is the Passover Lamb for those who believe.

Week 6 | Day 3

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By Chronological Bible

Week 6

This week we will move further into Act 2, scene 2 in the story of Scripture, and we will begin scene 3. Here again we find vitally important foundational elements for the rest of the Bible. We will also learn about the Passover and the introduction of the 10 Commandments.

Week 6: Day 1
Today’s reading is Exodus 5-9

-What excuses are you most likely to give when you are asked to do something for God’s cause in the world?
-What do you learn about God from Exodus 5-9?
-How might God address the tension in your personal story today?

Week 6 | Day 2

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Steven Lawson – Why Jesus Came

By Sermons


*Access: This video is in English with the addition of American Sign Language (ASL) interpretation and English captions.

Excellent sermon by Steven Lawson on 1 Timothy 1:15 explaining why Jesus came down to earth.

You can find the original sermon HERE.


Steven Lawson is the Founder and President of OnePassion Ministries, a ministry designed to equip biblical expositors to bring about a new reformation in the church.

For more information on Steven Lawson and OnePassion Ministries, check out onepassionministries.org

Special thanks to Steven Lawson and OnePassion Ministries for graciously letting us translate their material into sign language for the deaf to enjoy and benefit from.

week 5 day 7

By Chronological Bible

Week 5: Day 7

What a great week of readings!

By the end of Job, we observed how God can receive glory when his people suffer and persevere in faith without understanding why. We also saw God deliver his people from bondage out of Egypt.

Chronological Bible Homepage

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week 5 day 6

By Chronological Bible

Scene 2 – Deliverance: God Rescues His People

In the history of civilization, ancient Egypt rises as one of the early successes. Yet Egypt, with its many gods, becomes the great oppressor and is ultimately destroyed by God.

Week 5: Day 6

Today’s reading is Exodus 1-4

-God identified himself as I AM in Exodus 3:14. Read John 8:58 and think about the significance of Jesus’s words in that passage.

-What did you learn about Moses in these chapters?
-Where have we seen the practice of circumcision before, and why would it have been so important for Moses, through his wife, to perform the procedure on his son?
-What are the spiritual marks of your relationship with God?

Week 5 | Day 7

*If you need access to a Bible, please we’d be more than happy to provide you with one.

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